Survive the Summer Guide - Sign up today to get yours

👋 Hi Reader,

Are you looking for a calm summer? Do you want to connect with your kids? We’re here to help you do that with our easy to use workbook. Just spend half an hour with your family filling it in. Often the biggest disappointment is when our expectations aren’t filled - so if you’re all clear about what you need and want, then you’re likely to have a much less stressful holiday!

🧰 Available for Wee Seeds Members - in your Mini-Minds Toolbox now - under Seasonal Content.

Not a Wee Seeds Member? Sign up today for a five-day free trial and access all our early years wellbeing tools.

For the price of a Grande Latte Latte a month you get access to:

✅ Animated video exercises and audio meditations in our Mini-Minds Wellbeing Toolbox 🧰

✅ All recordings from our members events

✅ 1-2-1 Support from the Wee Seeds Team

✅ Ideas and guidance for off screen activities

✅ Fun and easy to do

✅ Only takes maximum 10 minutes to do

✅ Available on a digital platform, and through an app (not from the app store)

✅ Designed for children 3-8 years old

Support your child’s mental health. Teach positive wellbeing skills, with scientifically proven techniques like mindfulness, meditation and movement. ⭐ Help your child:

⭐ Sleep better

⭐ Feel less anxious

⭐ Feel more connected to you

⭐ Build resilience

⭐ Understand their emotions

⭐ Deal with frustration better

💖 You’ll also be joining our wider Circle of Change - because for every sale we make we support families living in poverty, or struggling with their mental health through our Growing Minds impact programme. Together we can help end the child mental health crisis. 💖

Now isn’t that worth a coffee a month?

Join us at - and if you have any questions - let us know below.

💛 With love and mindfulness,
Christina & the Wee Seeds Team

Positively impacting the mental health of the next generation! Join us!

Working to positively impact the mental health of the next generation and help end the current child mental health crisis. 💛 We support parents and carers, educators and professionals to plant the seeds of wellbeing in the early years. 💛 We offer a digital wellbeing platform of fun, easy, exercises focussed on calm, connection and change. 🧰 All our exercises are centred around scientifically proven wellbeing skills, like mindfulness, meditation, movement, gratitude, and kindness. 💞 As a social enterprise our profits are funnelled back into our social impact programme to give away 5,000 toolboxes over the next five years to families living in poverty, or grappling with mental health difficulties. 💪We also offer an employee benefit programme for employers to support working parents, and their families. 📰 SIGN UP FOR UPDATES!

Read more from Positively impacting the mental health of the next generation! Join us!

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